

All Animal Clinic recommends testing your pet yearly for heartworms. This recommendation is based off the American Heartworm Society's guidelines for heartworm prevention and treatment. Heartworms are contracted from the bite of an infected mosquito. Once an animal is infected, it puts others at risk of contracting heartworms as well. Therefore, is it important to ensure your pet is heartworm negative yearly and kept on prevention year-round. Call All Animal Clinic to make sure your pet is current on heartworm prevention.
Larvae from the infected mosquito enter the tissue through a bite. In about six months, that larvae will develop and travel to the blood stream and therefore the heart - this is the stage the dog will require treatment. At approximately six months of age, the developing adult reach sexual maturity and begin reproducing. One dog can host up to 250 heartworms and each heartworm can live up to seven years. If not treated, heartworms will continue to live in the heart causing damage to the heart, lungs, and surrounding blood vessels. The cost of treatment is far greater than the cost of prevention.

What are the symptoms of heartworms?
If you think your pet has heartworms, visit your veterinarian immediately. Pets not on prevention are at a greater risk of heartworm disease. Symptoms of heartworm disease may include cough, congestion, and retained fluid which can eventually lead to death.

Does my inside pet need heartworm prevention?
Yes, mosquitoes are in the southeast year-round. Meaning at any time of the year your pet can contract heartworms; therefore, we recommend your pet be on heartworm prevention year-round. Mosquitoes can enter your house any time the doors or windows are opened, this puts your dog at risk for heartworms. In south Mississippi we have as many as 51-99 heartworm positive cases per veterinary clinic (as seen below).
