Pet Dentistry

The Importance of Pet Dental Care

When you have a pet, it’s natural to treat it like one of the family. In addition to the love and care you give your pet, finding an experienced veterinarian is essential. If you live in the Hattiesburg, MS, area and you’re looking for a veterinarian near you, our team at All Animal Clinic will welcome your pet to our pet care family. We’ve cared for area pets since 1981 and look forward to meeting you and your furry friend.

Pet Dentistry

Dental Care is Important to Your Pet’s Health

Each time you visit one of our veterinarians, they will examine your pet, with a specific focus on your pet’s teeth and mouth. You may not be aware of it, but your pet’s dental health significantly influences its overall health. Pets can develop dental diseases, which can result in infections or other health problems.

We offer dental exams and dental cleaning services at our facility. A dental exam includes assessing the teeth, gums, and areas underneath the gum lines. Teeth cleaning involves removing plaque and tartar from underneath the gum line. Since an awake pet couldn’t tolerate an exam underneath the gum line, anesthesia is required.

Dental Cleaning for Pets

According to the American Veterinary Dental College, a local anesthetic is often administered before general anesthesia to minimize the amount of general anesthesia needed. During a teeth cleaning, our veterinarian will scale and scrape the tooth to remove plaque and calculus. The final step in dental cleaning is typically polishing your pet’s teeth.

As part of your visit, our vet will provide instructions on how to brush your pet’s teeth at home. Regular teeth brushing is an essential part of preventive care for your pet’s health. You’ll need a pet toothbrush and pet toothpaste, as pets can’t tolerate some of the chemicals in regular toothpaste. Your vet can guide you on the best way to hold your pet’s head during dental care, so you can successfully perform this task at home.

Call All Animal Clinic for an Appointment

Whether you need a routine wellness visit or your pet has an emergency, our team is ready to provide the expert care your pet needs. Residents of the Hattiesburg area can rely on our team for all phases of vet care. Call us today for an appointment and let us join your pet care team.
